Saturday, January 8, 2011



Fo realz.



Social Life.





This calls for some blank verse.


When Jack Johnson and
Star Wars and
Chocolate chip cookies fail to bring

the inner calm 

that I crave so badly
There's only one thing to do.

It's not 
cry and sit in my room 
and not
go out and have a fun (hopefully) time.
Nor is it an increase in my vitamin D levels
(although I'll have to check with Katie on that one).

I think doing laundry might

Or maybe finishing my homework. 
(Although I will definitely be doing that today no matter what.)


take a deep breath and get down on my knees and


I get so wrapped up and I forget that there's Someone up there who cares about me.
And wants to help me.
And understands what I'm going through.

So I choose to get off the computer
Get on my knees
And talk to God.

Life is hard sometimes.


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Six Word Memoir

Ernest Hemingway once claimed that he could write a story in six words. And he did. His story reads,

For sale: Baby shoes, never worn.

    Chilling, eh?

Based on this, several members of this generation have written their own six word stories, but the stories are of their own lives. And thus the "Six Word Memoir" was born. Check out the link for a thought-provoking, funny, tear jerker of a Youtube video that is based on the Six Word Memoir.

This concept wended its way into my life because of a professor's challenge to her English 423 students to write their own Six Word Memoir. So here I am, an English 423 student who was challenged by her professor to write a Six Word Memoir. Ideas for this memoir have been bouncing around in my cranium for the last two days; the assignment is due tomorrow; it's time to write.

Star Wars is the best medicine.                                                                Red light, green light, I'm light.

Love and loss are inextricably connected.

Frustrated with myself way too often.    
         Hot chocolate, warm socks, soft blankets.

When in doubt, help someone else.

Quiet down! I'm trying to sleep.

Sometimes I only see others' perfection.                                                  Dear God - Thank you so much.

It is refreshing to say so much in so few words.
