I was on the verge of entering the Mid-Winter Semester Doldrums (nothing a little Spring Break couldn't fix) when some wonderful things happened:
I got an A- on my massive research project that I devoted my life to for over a week and a half. (I gave my teacher a hug because I was so excited.)
I won a book from a drawing! I can't remember the name of it, and I haven't started reading it yet, but the shiny book jacket, the stiff spine, and the witty illustrations are tempting me right now. There is something lovely about receiving a new book, especially a children's book, that awakens a sense of joy and enthusiasm that is rarely provoked by anything else.
I made it to the gym! And I got everything in that I wanted: cardio, biceps, triceps, and some leg muscles that I've forgotten/repressed the names of (leg muscles are my least favorite muscles, despite how helpful they are). I felt awesome afterwords.
To celebrate Pi Day (3/14) I attended a Pie Party with my ward, and the sense of camaraderie that was present in the party apartment was fantastic. Who knew that so much love and friendship could be present in one room? And it was just because someone wanted an excuse to eat one of the best types of dessert on the planet? I'm so blessed to have such a fantastic ward family: they were the perfect ending to a surprisingly lovely day.
Perhaps the best part of the whole day, though, was the physical metaphor for my day that I saw while I was walking home from campus. The sky was overcast, and it was a little chilly, but when I looked to my right, I saw daffodils emerging from the damp ground; some were simply green shoots, but others where fully in bloom. How wonderful is that? And that's exactly how my day was: I could've been down because of the mid-semester situation, but instead, there were little moments of happiness that managed to make the whole day beautiful.