Monday, December 6, 2010

Warm Up

In preparation for crafting my final paper for Shakespeare 382, I have decided to write a blog post. The purpose for this is two-fold:

1.) To put it off just a smidge longer.
2.) I have found that if I warm up before writing, when I actually do start the real writing, the thoughts and ideas flow like homemade hot fudge from a chocolate fountain. Yum.

So to stimulate the neurons and dendrites in my brain, I will write a few poems. Please don't expect too much.

Christmas Haiku
I'm so excited
For Santa to come to town
And bring Christmas cheer.

Limmerick on My Bruise
There once was a bright college student
Who thought that it'd prob'ly be prudent
To wear her prom dress
To a bright Christmas fest
But she tripped and her shin got a blue dent. (aka: a bruise)

Sorry, that last rhyme was a stretch.

December Doggerel
During this season of joy
When every girl and boy
Is laughing and happy
And my hands are all sappy
From cutting a tree
That towers 'bove me
This is a time that I love the most.

Approaching is the night of my dear Savior's birth
Because of the season I'm full of much mirth.
I am more inclined
To reach out and be kind
I want to try harder to be just like Him.

And also my birthday is coming up fast
One more year of my life is almost all past
I'll be twenty one
Which means for some
That they get to drink beer
And have thoughts that ain't clear.
But not me cuz I'm Mormon
So I won't be stormin'
The bars on the night of my twenty-first year.

A final thought on this wonderful time
Is the fact that now falling are snowflakes sublime.
These small little flakes that cover my nose
Are just as pretty as a lovely red rose.
I try to catch them on my warm tongue
Which is red from the candy canes which I was supposed to have hung.
I love how the snowflakes are never the same;
They remind me that all of God's children aren't lame.
We are all different, but  God knows us all,
He created us individually, big, short, and small.
And so with these thoughts in my heart I go on
To write a long paper and work until dawn.
But I won't forget Christmas spirit or snowflakes
'Cause they are the things that inside me now makes
Happy and warm with cheer and with love
Which are a reflection of what comes from above.

Merry Christmas everyone!


  1. Johannie I love your poetry!!! So much. In fact, I still have a verse or two hanging on my happiness board from you. Please write a childrens book of poetry?

  2. You try to distract me from my disappointment about ruined birthday plans by giving me that sensual description of our winter wonderland apartment? don't know how i feel.
