Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Slice of Life Day 15: Love is in the Air

The relationship status of the girls living in The Elms 304B:

KO: Engaged
BW: Almost Engaged
HS: Impending Relationship
AH: "He needs to quit dragging his feet and ask me out already!"
CB: "There is a severe lack of tall men in this place."
Me (JC): *twiddling thumbs and disinterested whistling*

I feel like I'm running out of stuff to write about, so I chose to write about the basic atmosphere of our apartment today. Spring is in the air, but so is love. Flowers are budding and blooming, and so are the relationships involving a few females in our apartment. Other flowers lay dormant, and that's about where I am. There are a few guys that I want to ask me out, but I know that they won't, so instead I go on dates with Harold B. Lee, Joseph F. Smith, and David O. McKay. They are good guys, but it would be nice to go on a date where homework and studying are not the main activities. At this point I feel like I should make some sort of resolution to love myself sans boyfriend, or some statement about girl power, or something. But I'm just neutral. Apathetic. Meh. Boys are cool, and I have some great guy friends. But other than planning bridal showers, I think that I'm going to avoid getting sucked into the whirlpool of weddings and weeping and wishful thinking that we call "romance."


  1. The semester I swore off boys and romance was the semester I met Derrick. I hope being apathetic pays off for you too! :)

  2. I myself am pretty fond of dates w/ Harold.

  3. I like my relationship status. They should add that one to facebook for sure. Love you JoBiz
