Friday, March 18, 2011

Slice of Life Day 18: Writing About Talking

Tonight I had three interesting conversations.
1: With a friend recovering from surgery. Despite the fuzziness brought on by powerful pain medications, he still made me laugh and inspired me to be better. He walked slowly and he talked slowly, but he made me want to pick up me feet, march on, and finish up the semester on the right note.
2: With a friend that I've known for three years. Sometimes I feel that our relationship is rocky, and that our personalities clash a bit, but tonight, as we talked during a car ride from Orem to Smith's, I felt security in our friendship. We were open and honest and vulnerable, but it was okay because we were and are joined by a friendship that carries on despite our occasional differences.
3: With a friend that I've known for three months. It was during this conversation when I "talked to learn." I love this friend despite our short acquaintance, and tonight I felt that she loves me as well. It is so nice to know that you are loved. I did more talking than she did, and she did more listening than I did, and in the process I was able to come to some important conclusions. She helped with the process of self discovery, and after she left I felt enlightened. She gave me some advice, but mostly she helped me by simply being there, listening intently, all while truly caring about me. It was a wonderful way to end my night.

I'm so grateful for the power of the spoken word and the God-given ability to converse with our fellow human beings.

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