Saturday, March 26, 2011

Slice of Life Day 26: Wake up in the morning...

This morning I woke up with fantastic bedhead. Bedhead fascinates me: how did my pony tail stay perfectly preserved, but the few baby hairs that make up my hairline were arranged in the most artistic of fashions? It's as if Ralph the Night Hairdresser visited my pillow last night, and said, "Well, I can't get to the majority of her hair, so I will make the most of what I have to work with!" I'm telling you, that guy is no underachiever. He does his work well. So well, in fact, that when I tried to push all of those little fly aways back with a tight headband before my morning work out, I was still having control issues. That headband is tight enough to stay in place no matter what I'm doing, but for some reason, it just couldn't keep my hair back in a satisfying manner. The only way to really erase Ralph's work is to take a shower, which is kind of sad though, because, despite its frustrating nature, bedhead is always always ALWAYS good for some laughs. Especially when it is a chronic problem, like for my mom. My mom always has bedhead, and the best part is: her hair is never the same! Ralph the Night Hairdresser always has something great in store for her, which we, her family, always appreciate. Bedhead: a blessing and a curse, but really a blessing. Because who doesn't like starting their morning with a laugh?

Not sure if this is bed head, or if this guy is always like this...

This chick does not even comes CLOSE to my mom's level of bed head excellence. She must have been a victim of Ralph's intern.

Oh wait...

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