Monday, March 7, 2011

Slice of Life Day 7: The Beginning Does Not Determine The Ending

I slept in today. On accident. I wish I would've woken up earlier. Because then I would've been able to a.) not be late to class and b.) avoid a really long, weird dream, involving me being pregnant but not really and my estranged husband showing up and shirts that suddenly fit when they look like they shouldn't. Like I said: a really long, weird dream. I burst awake at 10:03 (class started at 10), got ready as fast as I could, and made it for the last twenty minutes of class. I felt like such a loser, walking in so late. It wasn't the best way to start my day, but I am determined to finish on the right note. I have about eight hours left before bed time: eight hours of awesomeness: bring it on :)

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